Monday, August 17, 2009

Avoiding the Degrading Influences of the Media

Hello everyone!

In today's lesson we talked about the media, and the ways in which exposure to the wrong kind of media influences can degrade our ability to feel the spirit over time. Remember that the nice white egg that Sis. Francis had placed into the "dirty or colored" water eventually tinted the egg and turned it to a dingy color, more in line with the water's color. This happens to us to, just by being exposed to the world's influences -- which are not always (or even usually) in harmony with Heavenly Father's.

As part of the lesson, Sis. Francis gave each of us a copy of a special article on being wise with our media choices called, "Out of the Best Books." This article originally appeared in this month's New Era -- and if you don't have it, you can read it online here:

For this week's blog -- please read the article and think of some ideas you might have for how we can avoid the degrading influence of the media. I'll get us started!

1 comment:

  1. When I think about the word "degrading" the idea of something decomposing or decaying comes to mind. Little by little, pieces of something that was once good and useful begin to disappear (isn't that what happens when something decays?). Anyway, I think this happens when we are exposed to inappropriate things in the world, not just media. Little pieces of our spiritual selves just go away, disappear, or die even.

    The good news is that we can strengthen ourselves and make sure that when we are exposed to things that or negative or inappropriate, we have on enough "armor" so that we can withstand it.

    I've heard it said that for any bad habit you want to "kick" (or get rid of), you have to actively replace it with good habits. So my idea for avoiding certain types of media (which might include music), is to replace certain bands or music that I might listen to that's not as uplifting as it could be, with music that IS more uplifting. I also think that there are certain times during the day when i could actively make an effort to listen to music that would draw me closer to Heavenly Father (like in the morning when I am getting ready for work, or driving to school). I wondered if I tried an experiment of listening to "upgrading" music every morning for a week if it would make a difference in my attitude at work (or in your case school)? I think I am going to try it!

    I'll let you know how it goes! As usual, I can't wait to hear about your experiences and ideas!

    Much love, Sis. Betts
